Overview & Mission

About the VSC – Overview & Mission

State legislature of Ohio passed the soldiers Relief Act in 1886, thus establishing the Veterans Service Commission (formerly the Soldiers Relief Commission). Its role was, as it is now, to provide emergency relief and support services to veterans who served this country and their family members and survivors.

The Veterans Service Commissions are state agencies ordered by Title 59 of Ohio law and funded by county property tax. Ohio is the only state that provides such comprehensive support and services to its veterans. Each of the 88 counties in Ohio has a board of five appointed commissioners who administer the program for their respective county.

The five Veterans Service Commission Commissioners are chosen by the Judges of Summit County Common Pleas Court from Veteran organizations such as American Legion (AL), Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA) or the Military Order of the Purple Heart (MOPH), American Veterans (AMVETS) and the Disabled American Veterans (DAV). The employed staff members of the Summit County Veterans Service Commission consist of 80 percent veterans of multiple ethnic and religious backgrounds, together proudly serving those who have served.

For more information, you can contact us at 330-643-2830 or email us by clicking here.