VetCenter Programs and Services
What is readjustment counseling?
Readjustment counseling is a wide range of psycho social services offered to eligible Veterans and their families in the effort to make a successful transition from military to civilian life. They include:
- Individual and group counseling for Veterans and their families
- Family counseling for military related issues
- Bereavement counseling for families who experience an active duty death
- Military sexual trauma counseling and referral
- Outreach and education including PDHRA, community events, etc.
- Substance abuse assessment and referral
- Employment assessment & referral
- VBA benefits explanation and referral
- Screening & referral for medical issues including TBI, depression, etc.
Does VA have readjustment counseling for family members?
Family members of combat veterans have been eligible for Vet Center readjustment counseling services for military related issues since 1979.
Am I eligible for Vet Center readjustment counseling?
If you, or a family member, served in any combat zone and received a military campaign ribbon (Vietnam, Southwest Asia, OEF, OIF, etc.) than your family is eligible for Vet Center services.
Where is counseling offered?
VA’s readjustment counseling is provided at community-based Vet Centers located near veterans and their families. All Vet Center services are prepaid through military service. Contact your nearest Vet Center through information provided in the Vet Center Directory or listings in your local blue pages. Vet Center staff are available toll free and around the clock at 877-WAR-VETS (927-8387).
Are Vet Centers open during non-traditional hours?
Yes, all Vet Centers maintain non-traditional appointment schedules, after normal business hours, to accommodate the schedules of Veterans and their family members.
For more information, you can contact us at 330-643-2830 or email us by clicking here.